how to improve verbal communication skills

how to improve verbal communication skills/

 Verbal Communication
How many people have you talked with today? How many different roles did these people play -family members, friends, classmates, coworkers, sales people, customers, professionals?Did you communicate with each of them in different way verbally and non verbally?

lets briefly review some of thees guidelines?

1. Know What you want to say:
Before beginning to speak, have a definite idea of what you want to say-Mentally plan your opening remarks as well as the general content of what our want to convey.

2. Consider Your Listener's Ponit of View:

Your listener may have an entirely different point of view from your own. Rarely will everyone you talk with agree completely with everything you say.

3. Move from the simple to the complex:
If communication involves more than conveying routine information, it becomes important to plan the order of items to be discussed, moving from the simple to the complex.

4. Select words Carefully
In one to one conversations and group meetings, you do not have the luxury of reviewing and rephrasing your words as you can if you acre communication in writing.

5. Enunciate clearly:
You must speak clearly and enunciate your words or you will not be understood. Mumbling or letting syllables or entire words trail off and get lost conveys a lack of concern for the listener as well as a lack of confidence in your speech.

6. Use the Active Voice:
The active voice is understood more easily because it is both clear and direct. Using the active voice will help you speak more concisely, too, for it puts the action right up front.

7. Be Courteous and natural:
No one likes o deal with people who put on airs or puff themselves up. most people readily recognize an artificial attitude and find it at best unpleasant and annoying and at word, dishonest. Natural and forth right manner leads to the most effective communication.

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